Thursday, July 19, 2012

You do what? For how many cookies?

Today has been a bit of a rough day. We all have those and it's these days that I have to pick myself up and know that I do what I do to make a difference in a dog's life. I do what I do to show peace, light and love to the dogs who have never met a human that had any kindness to them.

Tonight was my night to show Spudz that humans are good people and we can be a source of love. Tonight I sit on the couch and love and massage him while he chews on his bone and rub all those sweet spots that make him a wiggle worm in my arms. To most people that might seem crazy, but to me this is important for him. Spudz hasn't had a bond with a human who shows him this. Tonight that became important for me to have that with him as well.

I received today my Levi shirt. Levi was one of the Cleveland 27 who passed away too soon. The Cleveland 27, as they are known, are 27 dogs pulled out of a house in Cleveland that was a dog fighting house. The man who was responsible for the torment of these 27 dogs plead guilty in a courtroom filled with people I call friends. These people welcomed these dogs into their home, love these dogs, and some have lost these dogs due to the damages that were done to these dogs at the hand of one man. I think I'll always be a Cleveland girl at heart and when I first heard of the 27 I was miserable that I couldn't get home quick enough.

I didn't look at the package until I got to the rescue facility since I was in a hurry after having an ordeal where I had to deal with a man who doesn't understand why I will gladly put my body between a dog being harmed and a human. (Him on the side of the law and me on the side of the innocent.) When I got there I saw the name on the return address and I knew Spudz and I were about to have a very special night. Well, that is after I completely lost it. For a dog who people see and demonize because of how he looks and I stand up and say "I LOVE YOU!" I don't care what they look like, they deserve a chance just as much as any other dog. I've never known what love from a dog can be like until I had a little girl who I cradled in my arms who was broken, bloody and damaged and she was more interested in licking my tears than she was her own pain. Shocker...she was a pit bull type dog.

So, yeah, tonight was pretty special for Spudz and me. To see him curl up on the couch with Becky and me and allow us to rub all over him and just show him that humans are capable of more than cruelty to this breed was damn important for me. To have him lick my cheek and show me love right back truly hit the spot. Probably for both of us.Sometimes when I feel like I am fighting a losing battle against not only discrimination against these amazing dogs, but also the assholes who fight them, it makes it worth it to curl up on the couch and have one who some people think is a horrible dog to love on and be loved back.


  1. Nicely done! More positives for Spud!
    There are times when my emotions are crazy or negative or really anxious and that's the time I need to step back. When I'm calm or happy, that's when I love to give the more challenging dog some time. I've had to learn to step back and take a time out.

    1. I really shouldn't have worked with him but he knew I was there and it wouldn't have been fair to deny him after he knew I was there. It was almost like therapy though once we started. He was exactly what I needed at that moment. And he responded the way any dog who was mine would respond. Licking my tears and showing me I was loved as much as I love him.
