Monday, April 8, 2013

Gates, Crates and Automobiles

Easter -- The time for family gatherings and good cheer is upon us. For some of us though that can be very stressful. If you have a dog like mine who tends to not like social gatherings then you may have your hands full. Today I'd like to talk options.

So, what do you do if your dog is an ass in general and you have a large family gathering going on? I know I've talked about this with some of my clients and I wonder who it's more stressful for, the dog, or their humans.

First off, please don't feel like you can't socialize as a normal human because of your dog's social needs. This can actually be a way to meet new and interesting people. I have made a ton of friends just because Greyson while being cute and fluffy, he sparks an interesting conversation when I ask humans to not reach down to pet him and instead let him come to them.

Now, without further list of options.

1) Crates! If your dog loves his crate, take it with you! Going to Grandma's? Ask her where a nice calm spot is that you can put Fido's crate so that he can chew on his tasty Kong that you packed.

As always with crates, never ever use it as punishment. Never yell at Fido and shove him in a crate. We want crates to be a place of calm and peacefulness. It should be your dog's safe place.

2) Gates! Gates are my best friend. Having a dog who destroys himself in a panic attack in a crate has caused gates to be my wonderful friend. If you get the wooden baby gates they are light and pack flat in a car. This way you can take Fido with you and just put up gates. Please, make sure you are gating Fido somewhere safe and where he won't get into anything dangerous.

3) Last, but never least...the car. There has been a lot of time we have avoided conflict by either staying in the car or quickly getting back in the car. Sometimes we just need a moment to regroup and decompress. The car comes in handy for that.

So, remember, no matter where you are use things to your advantage. I can't tell you the number of times I've ran up on someone's porch just to get Greyson out of a bad situation. And luckily, most people know us on sight and don't ask what in the world we are doing.

This picture is Greyson and I revisiting the people who took a chance on a litter of pups and took the whole lot of them to the vet. Who would have known my shy scared little boy would be wagging his entire body in excited glee to greet all of them. His litter was the Christmas Miracle pups and he truly is my miracle.

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